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LGW’s educational program teaches unity and leadership

The LGW Good Will Students of Peace Program- 2018.


The LGW is celebrating the conclusion of another cycle of its educational character-building program, the Good Will Students for Peace at Oliver St. School in Newark, NJ. More than 370 students from Kindergarten, First and Second year, earned the "Good Will Students for Peace" certificates based on their active participation in all educational activities throughout the semester. The LGW's anti-violence program aims to instill in students values of solidary leadership through service learning.

The theme of this program's semester was' Sport is Life, Not Violence. United We Score Goals for Peace! '. The students were able to experience the beauty of cultural diversity by participating in multiple enlightening activities conducted as a part of the program. The LGW's educators worked in partnership with the school teachers to integrate the topic into the academic curriculum, as well as through cultural activities and sports.

LGW Staff

The 'Trip Around the World' cultural fair stimulated students to research and learn about different cultures. Each classroom chose to become an "embassy" of one specific country and showcased the important characteristics to that culture. This helped the students understand, respect and celebrate cultural diversity while learning about their similarities and differences.

"So everybody knows they are unique in their own way. Even though we are unique we are all the same." Said the 8 years old, Natalie Sousa when she was asked why is it important to learn about different cultures, after the completion of the 'Trip Around the World' activity.

In order to promote 'Team Building' and peer cooperation into the educational routine of the students, the LGW’s educators also organized a friendly 'Soccer World Cup' among the students of diverse classes. Dr. Douglas J. Petty, the Principal of Oliver St. School, highlighted that the program engaged students and teachers in a fun and very educational collective effort. "I think it’s super important to be partnered with an organization that brings in a piece like this where students are able to embrace not only their own cultures but also learn about other students’ cultures and what they are in similarity and differences," he said.

The program concluded with a pin ceremony where the Representative of the LGW in the U.S., Danilo Parmegiani, addressed the students, parents and school staff in the name of the President of the LGW, José de Paiva Netto: “The Pedagogy of Affection and the Pedagogy of Ecumenical Citizen, created by the Educator Paiva Netto, have a very strategic motto that says: ‘Here one studies. Brain and Hearts are formed’. Through this goal, the LGW aims to offer a type of education that develops both the intellect and the good feelings.”

The students who completed the 2018 Good Will Students for Peace program were awarded with a certificate a special pin. They took an oath pledging their adherence to these good values for the rest of their lives as Good Will Students for Peace. The highlight of the event was the song 'Shout out to Peace' of the Legion of Good Will, which was sung by the voice of more than 370 students.

"Traditionally, at the conclusion of every program cycle, a presentation is done with the students, teachers, and parents.  It is always amazing to see the smiles on the students and teachers faces’ from seeing the results of the program, and all the activities that took place. It makes them feel accomplished and this is so important for their learning, and growth,"  said Samara Malaman, the GWSP Program Coordinator.

The Legion of Good Will thanks all educators and volunteers who made this new cycle of the program a success. To contribute to the Good Will Students for Peace Program, visit the organization's website at or call 646-398-7128.